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Latin did not evolve into English. English evolved from a Proto-Germanic language that also gave rise to German, Dutch and the Scandinavian languages, while Latin evolved into the present-day Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, etc.). Ultimately Latin and Proto-Germanic are from the same source (known as Proto-Indo-European), but there is no direct line of descent between Latin and English.

Nevertheless, English has a vocabulary that is largely of Latin origin for two reasons: the Norman French conquest of England, which added many French words to the English language, and the position of Latin as the language of science, scholarship and religion in Europe through the Renaissance and into early modern times.

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For most people in Westerm Europe, the indigenous tongue was Celtic, or dialects of Celtic. And in south east Europe, Greek. With Roman expansion, the locals picked up the language as they heard it, and pronounced it how they could, sometimes with adapted grammatical conventions too. Celtic survived at the fringes. French is more adapted from "Roman Army" latin than the rest, more influenced by settlers. Interestingly the Germanics were not subjected to this influence. And the Greeks resisted it too. So a few hundred years after the fall of Rome, with no anchor from that quarter, the local dialects gradually diverged to what we have today.

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Q: How did Latin language begin to change?
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What language did Constantine the Great speak?

Constantine would have had to have spoken both Latin, his native language, and Greek, the diplomatic language of his time.

How are you in Roman language?

The language of the Roman was Latin. Quomodo es?

Who was the roman rhetorician who recognized the power of the latin language to communicate to the people?

who was the roman rhetorician who recognized the power of the Latin language to communicate with the people

How was Latin kept alive in the middle ages?

Latin was the language of the Church in Western Europe. The Vulgate Bible was the Latin translation, one of several, that were widely used in the West in the Church. Early papal communication was all in Latin, and so Latin was the established language of the Church from the beginning. As time passes, languages change. Different dialects of the same language become less and less similar, until the people who speak them are unable to understand each other; this process usually takes about a thousand years or so. The people from different parts of Western Europe found it more and more difficult to communicate over time, and the Latin language evolved into French, Spanish, Italian, and the other Romance Language. The Church, however, provided education in Latin, and the effect was that as the common language changed, the education remained in a rather conservative formal language that was stable. This benefited not only the Church itself, but the governments of nations, which recorded laws and did diplomacy with each other in Latin, and scholars, who could communicate with each other in Latin, regardless of where in Western Europe they lived.

What is the roamn language?

I'm presuming you mean Roman, so... Latin. It's a dead language.

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When did the French language begin?

The French language came from Vulgar Latin and was influenced by Gaulish. The language developed over a long stretch of time, beginning around 50 B.C..

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Linnaeus proposed Latin as the language of classification because Latin was a common language among scholars during his time and was not subject to change and misunderstandings like vernacular languages. Using Latin ensured that scientific names would be universally recognized and understood by scientists regardless of their native language.

3 The language used for scientific names is because it does not change?

Scientific names use Latin because it is a dead language, meaning it is no longer evolving and changing. This stability ensures that the scientific names remain consistent and universally understood by scientists around the world.

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The didn't change it to 'Roma', they changed it to Italian. There is more than one answer but latin was getting old in all the other evolving languages. (that were based off latin)

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Habeus Corpus is Latin as many legal and scientific termanolgy is. Latin is a non spoken language so it does not change and for that reason is favored by the legal and scientific communities.

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The word "innovate" has Latin origins, deriving from the Latin word "innovare" which means "to renew or change."

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I think the "scoala ardeleana" wanted in 1860 to change the cyrillic to latin because the romanian language is a latin language and it suits it better-----------The Latin alphabet become official in Principatele Unite ale Moldovei şi Ţării Româneşti in 1862, during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The Romanian language is a Latin (Romanic) language; the Cyrillic alphabet was introduced many centuries ago by Bulgarians and Serbians monks speaking Slavic languages and unaware of the Romanian language.