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For starters, most Greek city-states had democracies which meant that every citizen was part of the government and they were all entitled to one vote on each issue. Women and slaves were not considered citizens so only men who owned their own property could vote. ancient Rome started off as a monarchy which means that it was ruled by a king. Then in 509 B.C.E. the last king, Tarquinius Superbus was over thrown and Rome became a Republic. A Republic is another form of democracy where the people elect representatives to make the decisions for them in the government. Then Ancient Rome became an Empire after Octavian defeated Marc Antony at the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C.E. It remained an empire until the end of her days in 476 C.E. Also another major difference between the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans was that Greece was divided into different city-states each with it's own leaders. Ancient Rome was unified as one which in turn caused them to conquer much of the known world and rule it for over 1,000 years.

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15y ago
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13y ago

In ancient Rome people had a hole different life style. 75% of people had no rights and couldn't even travel about a mile within there home (or where ever they're from) people had closer chance of dieing. People would do anything for money they would battle life or death if they had to! Only rich people ate meet but other poor people would eat any thing they found on the street. There were slaves but you could get out of it by gaining money and telling your owner you want to buy yourself out of slavery. to narrow it down things were allot tougher back in ancient Rome

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11y ago

The government of the Roman Republic does not compare with any modern government. The republic did not have a centralised form of government like a cabinet or an administration. Al the officers of state were elected and acted independently within the remit of their offices. The senate was not an elected body and did not vote on bills, but could issue decrees. Bills were at the beginning voted on by the people in the assembly of the soldiers or the assembly of the tribes. Later, most bills were voted on by the plebeian council. The assembly of the soldiers also acted as a court of appeal for capital punishment cases and the assembly of the tribes acted as a court of appeal for other cases.

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9y ago

A sort of like-to-like comparisons would be between the Republican period of Roman history and the republican period of Athenian history.

The biggest difference was that Athens was a democracy and Rome was an oligarchy with some democratic elements.

Democracy was invented in Athens in the late 6th century BC. To the Greek this meant power to the people and they meant it literally. All the decisions were made by male citizens gathered in the assembly of the people, which also voted on bills. The executive implemented the will of the people.

In Rome power was exercised by an oligarchy of aristocrats and wealthy entrepreneurs.There was not a centralized executive like a cabinet or administration. There were five types of elected officers of state who acted independently within the remit of their offices. The top officers were the two annually elected consuls who were the heads of the republic.

The senate was not an elected body. Its members were members of the aristocracy and former officers of state. It was not a legislative body, but it could issue decrees. It was an advisory body. It became the most powerful political body in the Republic. It supervised the treasury. With increased military activity it started to coordinate the deployment of the legions and with imperial expansion it was in charge of the administration of the provinces (conquered territories).

The democratic elements of the Roman Republic were the three popular assemblies. The Assembly of the Soldiers voted on war and peace, elected the senior officers of state, acted as a court of appeal for capital punishment cases until 81 BC and originally it voted on bills. The Assembly of the Tribes elected the junior officers and acted as a court of appeal for other cases, also until 81 BC. In 81 BC all appeals were transferred to a special jury court. The Plebeian Council elected the plebeian tribunes and later became the body for voting on bills.

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16y ago

The roman government has changed.It has become from a republic to an empire. August was the main man that helped do this job by also reducing the senators on Ancient Rome.

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13y ago

CAN YOU COMPARE AND Contrast today government and acient Greece we use today

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12y ago

idont no

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What type of government did Rome have after the Etruscan king?

After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.

What was the interruption of the Roman government through Palestine?

What you mean by interruption of the Roman government is unclear.

The Roman government was led by two?

During the Republic, the Roman government was led by two counsuls.

What Roman policy had changed by 265BC?

The Roman policy that changed in 265BC was that the Roman army was big enough to defeat anything it challenged, therefore Rome stopped making citizens of the people it conquered.

Which Roman Empire died in 44 BC?

There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.

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augustus changed it by being smart and ending war

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augustus changed it by being smart and ending war

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Roman ruling only influenced the American government in the fact that both governments were republics. The American founding fathers certainly studied the Roman government, but could see its flaws and changed them considerably. Many people try to read similarities into the two governments where they do not and can not exist.

What type of government did Rome have after the Etruscan king?

After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.After the kings, the Roman government was the republic.

What caused each change in Romes government the roman republic?

The government of the Roman Republic changed automatically. The consuls, the two heads of the Republic, were elected annually. The one-year term of office meant that the government changed annually. The Republic did not have a centralised form of executive government, like an administration or a cabinet. There were five types of elected officers of state who acted independently within the remit of their office.

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Why did Rome's government change?

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