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To punish excessive drunkenness, men were forced to wear Drunkard's cloaks. This was made from a cask barrel, fitted to be worn as a garment would be.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

They weren't. It was normal back then, and acceptable.

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Q: How were drunkards punished in Medieval Times?
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What is a drunkards cloak?

A drunkards cloak is something used in the medieval times for the drunk guys, they get put in barrels and then they have to walk around town so the kids can push and tease on them.

How were kids punished in medieval times?

They Were Beaten With A Stick.

How were drunkards punished in the middle ages?

drunkards were punished in the middle ages in diffrent ways, some might be put in the stocks for 2 days,or have there hands chopped of so they can drink again ---- Actually, Its Only The Stocks. You Dont Get Your Hands Cut Off. But Other Than That The Answer Is Correct.

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In the stocks.

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Rarely. Most of them were monks anyway. If one of them sucked at his job he was simply put to work in another field.

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Yes. Many forms of torture and even death could be inflicted on anyone questioning God or the church.

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they would get punished

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There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.

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If you get punished for your beliefs, you are getting punished for what you believe in. eg. In roman times, people would get punished for being christian

What id another term used to describe the middles ages?

Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.

Who were some Famous knights of Medieval Times?

A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer