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Q: The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire grouped their soldiers into organized military units. This military unit was called a?
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What was a group of Roman soldiers called?

The generic word for a soldier is "miles". However, Latin can be a very specific language and here are some adjectives that went along with the "miles" to indicate what soldier was being indicated. A "miles gregarius" was a common soldier, a private. A "miles pedes" was a foot soldier. and a "miles eques" was a horse soldier/cavalryman. A buddy, or a fellow soldier was a "miles commilito". If a man were in the marine corps he would be a "miles classicus".

Who created the Roman mob?

The Plebeians, or working class of Rome, grouped together made up the Roman mob, under the reign of Commodus.

What is a political district a part of an empire called?

The empire was divided into provinces, which were much larger that what today we would call a distinct. In 117 BC there were 45 provinces. Diocletian increased their number to 118. He grouped then into 12 dioceses headed by a vicarius. These, in turn fell under four huge praetorian prefectures.

What did they hunt with falcons in the middle ages?

Falconers were people who used falcons to hunt. They could be grouped into the people who owned falcons and the land they hunted on, and the servants who were very skilled with falcons, and were employed by the lords for that purpose. In either case, they ate food suitable to the members of their class.

What social class was a summoner in the Medieval times?

A Summoner was a man who delivered summonses for alleged public sinners to appear at the Archdeacon's ecclesiastical court when accused of public immorality. The job offered opportunities for serious abuse such as bribery, extortion, and especially blackmail of those who went with prostitutes. Source: