

Best Answer

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman Empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

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13y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
ugh why did they steal your answer yours is obviously corrrect all they did was change it up a bit smh :(
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Lvl 1
3y ago
wait this was in 2011 whoop
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6y ago

Odoacer, the Goth who commanded the army of the Western Empire took over power from the emperor Romulus.

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13y ago

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

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Q: The western Roman Empire is said to have fallen in 476 CE what happened during this year?
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Sentences using the word western wall?

She is over by the western wall. Position yourself by the western wall. The tree by the western wall has fallen. He was found by the western wall. The western wall has caved in. We are going to meet by the western wall. Why weren't you by the western wall? We decided to paint the western wall green. The western wall is completely destroyed! He is by the western wall, that's where his sister was hiding. Pick the box by the western wall up. The western wall, the one with the tree that splits in two near it, has fallen. Why do you need sentences including the words "western wall"?

Could the fall of the Roman Empire have been prevented in the fifth century why or why not?

It could be argued that the Roman Empire has never fallen because its influence still remains with us even today.

What was Russia's connection with the eastern Roman Empire?

One connection between the Eastern Roman Empire (which historians also call Byzantine Empire) and Russia was the conversion of Russia to Orthodox Christianity (the religion of the Byzantine Empire) by Byzantine missionaries. This religion became Russia's religion in 989. The other connection was royal marriage. Soon after the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the capture of its capital, Constantinople, by the Ottoman Turks, Ivan III of Russia, who had married Sophia Paleologue, a niece of Constantine XI, the last Byzantine emperor, claimed that he was the heir of the fallen Empire. The Russians also saw themselves as the upholders of the religion of the Byzantine Empire, which had been taken over by the Muslim Turks. In 1501 a Russian monk, Filofey, wrote an ode to Ivan's successor, Vasili III, in which he said that: "Two Romes have fallen [Rome and Constantinople]. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!" The Russians called Russia the "Third Rome."

Why is the Roman Empire important?

It is important because all that we know, basically, came from the Roman Empire. They are our ancestors (the Romans), and if it wasn't for the Romans, the modern world would be nothing like it is now. Thanks to the barbarians (as well our ancestors, and the thugs who contributed to the empire's fall), we are not as advanced as we could have been. Because of the fall of the Roman empire, there was a Middle Ages, which is when everything, from technology to common sense, completed reversed and people literally started over. The Renassaince was a rebirth of all the ways of the Old World (the Roman Empire), and all the knowledge and technology rediscovered kept building up until this very moment. So, if the Roman empire had not fallen from all the countless reasons, we would today be an exceedingly advanced society much better than we are now. This is stuff no one should be ignorant of, because all we have can be to thanks to the Romans.

Why doesn't the roman empire exist today?

This is an excellent question that should be asked to Wall Street. In the real sense, "the roman empire" has risen and has fortuanetly already fallen a long time ago. In the figurative sense, it may very well still exist under another name: "Wall Street".

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Would have happened if Theodosius had not divided the Roman Empire?

The Eastern Empire would have probably fallen along with the Western Empire.

What would have happened if Theodosius had not divided the Roman Empire?

The Eastern Empire would have probably fallen along with the Western Empire.

Who was empress when rome fell?

The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus Augustus. He was put on the throne by his father, a usurper. He was only 15 and reigned for only 11months. He was the puppet of his father, who had the real power. He was not married. Whilst the Western Empire had fallen, Rome had not fallen. It was still an autonomous city.

When was The Fallen Empire created?

The Fallen Empire was created on 2006-03-24.

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Well the last time this happened to me, the girl had fallen asleep.

How did the Vikings destroy the roman empire?

The Vikings had nothing to do with the decline of the Roman empire. They came into prominence well after the western empire had fallen. As the Vikings were also great traders in addition to their military strength, they more than likely had contact with the eastern part of the empire by way of Europe's rivers.

Why is England not a superpower anymore?

Because It's empire has fallen.

How would you rebuild a fallen empire?

You don't. Once it is gone, it is gone. Could you rebuild the British empire?

Did the Americans conquer the western frontier after the battle of fallen timbers?


What happened during the the battle of fallen timbers?

The United States fought with and defeated Native Americans because they wanted to take over the Native Americans' land.

What geographical location was the byzantine empire considered to be in?

The Byzantine Empire is another name for the Eastern Roman Empire. Its capital and governmental institutions were all centered around the city of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) and it maintained a grip on the lands around it until the city fell to the Ottomans in 1453. Thus, it can be considered that the Byzantines were generally in the Balkans, specifically the Balkan Peninsula, as the empire did not reach into Anatolia in its dying days.The contemporary people, however, didn't see it as such and often referred to the Byzantines as "Romans" and the empire as the "Roman Empire". In their time, the Byzantine Empire was considered a part of Western Europe, despite the Western Roman Empire having fallen long ago.Indeed, the term "Byzantine Empire" and the distinctions between the Eastern and Western Roman Empires were only derived after the fall of Constantinople.

When did Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act happen?

Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act happened in 2006.