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Q: This man is responsible for changing classical thinking in the twentieth century?
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What economist is responsible for changing classical thinking in the twentieth century?


More than any other economist this man is responsible for changing classical thinking in the twentieth century?


More than any other economist in the twentieth century Who is most responsible for modifying classical thinking among the industrial nations of western Europe and north and south?

John Maynard Keynes

More than any other economist in the twentieth century who is most responsible for modifying classical thinking among the industrial nations of Western Europe and north and South America?

John Maynard Keynes

How did the classical period reflect the scientific thinking of the time?

ewan ............

Who changed classical thinking in the 20th century?

Debussy, Stravinsky and Schoenberg

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I think you are thinking of Classical, but it might also be shopaholic that you're thinking of.

Who were the renaissance?

Renaissance means "Rebirth" or "Revival". It was a rebirth or revival of classical thinking and of the concepts of "Humanism". It was a revival of scholars, free-thinking, and the arts.

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I think what your thinking of is a form of classical music called Baroque

The side of the brain responsible for logical thinking?

The Left

What part of the brain is responsible for thinking memory?

Memory is acuity spread thought the brain, along with thinking. it really depends on the definition of "thinking"