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Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.

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Q: Was Kiev the center of Russia?
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When did Moscow replace Kiev as the most important city in Russia?

Moscow began as the center of Russian government from the earliest time.

How many hours does it take to fly from uk to kiev russia?

About six hours and Kiev is not part of Russia. It's the capital of Ukraine.

Where is the motherlands?

Russia There is one in Volgograd, Russia and one in Kiev, Ukraine.

What city was the center of the first Russian state?

Kiev in the 9th century.

Where is the Motherland Statue?

Russia There is one in Volgograd, Russia and one in Kiev, Ukraine.

What is the distance from Kiev Ukraine to Donskoy Russia?

Air distance from Kiev, Ukraine to Donskoy, Russia is 412 miles. That is 663 kilometers. It is 358 nautical miles.

What contributed to the success of Kiev as a major city in Russia?

Kiev isn't a Russian city it is the Capitol of Ukraine

What Russian city decided to follow the Eastern Orthodox of Christianity?

Kiev. But the thing is that now Kiev's not in Russia.

What city became capital of Russia after Kiev?


Who were nobles who advised princes in Kiev Russia?


What is the Orthodox Christian state in Russia?

Kiev...(: welcome!!

Where did chicken kiev originate?

Chicken Kiev is from Russia from what I have heard