The English word wood comes from the Old English word wudu which comes from the Germanic and Welsh word gwydd. The word gwydd translates to tree.
Wife comes from the Old English word wif.
no, worship comes from old English and has equivalents in Germanic languages.
Saturday comes from the Old English word for "day of the planet Saturn."
The word "history" comes from Middle English through Latin. It was originally Greek and was spelt as "historia", meaning to inquire as well as narrative and history.
The English word "manual" comes from the Latin word "manus," meaning "hand."
The English word that comes from the Latin word ''Brevis'' is "brief".
The English word "dog" comes from the Middle English dogge, which in turn comes from the Old English docga. Where exactly the Old English version comes from is a mystery.
The English word "grave" comes from the Latin word "gravis," which means heavy or serious.
The English word that comes from the Greek word "grapho" is "telegraph."
The common English word that comes from the Greek word "demokratia" is democracy.
The word "hand" comes from Old English.
The English word wood comes from the Old English word wudu which comes from the Germanic and Welsh word gwydd. The word gwydd translates to tree.
The English word "drama" comes from the Latin which comes from the Greek.
hypocrisy is the English word derived from the Greek word hypokrites
The English word world comes from the Old English woruld. This comes from the Old German weralt, which means age of man.
The English word "nautical" comes from the Latin word "nauta," which means sailor.