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Q: What country is the western border located?
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Germany's western border is with France, Belgium and Holland .

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Damascus is the capital and largest city of Syria, the country whose western border is Lebanon.

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Cambodia is on the Vietnam western border.

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Portugal shares Spain's western border.

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Capital: Lisbon, Country: Portugal, Language: Portuguese.

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Australia is located at 20S and 140E. This coordinates point to the northern region of the country, specifically near the border of Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

What s the capital of the country that has Lebanon on its western border?

Damascus is the capital and largest city of Syria, the country whose western border is Lebanon.

What is the capital of the country whose western border is Lebanon?

Damascus is the capital and largest city of Syria, the country whose western border is Lebanon.

What country is Argyll located in?

Argyll is located in the country of Scotland on the western border. The annual Highland Games are also held in this town. It is also host to beautiful tourist attractions such as fishing.