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ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

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12y ago

Yes,, both countries girls marry girls and boys marry boys Hope I helped Rizutoisis signed

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13y ago

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

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Unfortunately, the 'Ancient Rome 3D' layer isno longer available as a Layer in Google Earth.The following was the original answer when it was available in 2008. For more details see the related links section below the answer including an article with screenshots of what it looked like and a YouTube video tour.Original answer:Check 'Ancient Rome 3D' layer under Gallery found in layers panel.Suggest to turn off '3D Buildings' layer otherwise modern buildings will be mixed in with the ancient ones.Double click on this Rome Layer to fly to Rome and start the tour.Next click on any of the Yellow Rome building icons to bring up the balloon pop-up.From the pop-up window, click on the link 'Ancient Terrain (**Load First)'Finally click on link 'Ancient Roman Buildings (5000+ buildings)'Now you can "virtually" walk through Rome as it looked in 320 A.D to tour famous buildings in 3D such as the Roman Forum, Colosseum and Forum of Julius Caesar.

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