"Carthago delenda est" is a phrase that Cato the Elder [Κάτων ο Πρεσβύτερος - Cato senior] used before the third Punic war.
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La culture est un système de croyances, de valeurs, de coutumes et de comportements transmis de génération en génération que les membres de la société utilisent pour affronter le monde et les autres.Une civilisation est une société complexe qui a des villes, des classes sociales, ainsi qu'un gouvernement. La culture n'est qu'un aspect de la civilisation.Il est possible pour une culture d'exister sans la civilisation, mais une civilisation ne peut exister sans la culture. En outre, une civilisation ne peut comprendre plus d'une culture.
The meaning of the name Crawford is From The Crow Ford
His last words are reported to be "consummatum est" - meaning 'It is finished'
It is pronounced "kon-soo-MAH-toom est."
"Consummatum est", which means "It is finished."
"Consummatum est" (It is finished)
Jose Rizal was a Filipino nationalist and revolutionary. His last words before he was executed and died were "consummatum est".
"Consummatum est" were Jose Rizal's last words. This Latin phrase translates to "It is finished" in English and signifies the completion of his work and life's mission.
Before he was executed, Jose Rizal said, "Consummatum est," which means "It is finished" in Latin. This phrase reflects his acceptance of his fate and his belief in the righteousness of his actions.
The last words attributed to Jose Rizal before his execution on December 30, 1896, were "Consummatum est" which means "It is finished" in Latin.
"perfectus, -a, -um". Nowadays the times used in English called present perfect and past perfect can be called perfectum and plusquamperfectum, too. Perfectum would stand for already "completely done", and plus quam perfectum would stand for "more than completely done" - as per definition, the past perfect happened even prior to the present perfect.
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, Jose Rizal, was executed by firing squad December 30, 1896. His last words were, "consummatum est"; which means "it is finished".
Rizal's last words before being executed were "Consummatum est," which means "It is finished" in Latin. These words were recorded by eyewitnesses minutes before he was hit by the firing squad.
The Latin word est is equivalent to "is" in English language.