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The Catholic Church was very highly regarded and was the "glue" that held the society together. They helped the poor. Took care of the sick. Set-up schools for children to learn. It consisted of a Bishop and a Parish Priest. The Catholic Church was very highly regarded and was the "glue" that held the society together. They helped the poor. Took care of the sick. Set-up schools for children to learn. It consisted of a Bishop and a Parish Priest.

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Q: What was the role did the Catholic Church have in the 1600's?
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What was the role of the church in society in the 1600s?

o.k. the role was to teach your personal relationship to God first, then family, and then community! it was and still is mean't to be the guide for everyones every day life in and as the basis of society!

Was the Church of England Available to Women in the 1600s?

Perhaps, I don't know maybe .

Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages?

The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Middle Ages in Europe were a time of intense Catholicism. The people were very devout and their entire lives revolved around the Church. Many young people entered religious orders and for the most part family life revolved around the local parish Church. Spiritually, the people in the Middle Ages were far advanced from the spiritual morass in whicht our world currently finds itself.

What was the medieval European Church called?

The Catholic Church, or simply "the Church": there was no other in medieval Europe, and it certainly wasn't referred to as the Roman Catholic Church until the protestant revolt in England centuries later. The center of the Church was in Rome; the word "catholic" means universal. It was meant as the "universal church", or the church for everybody.

Who were the Popes of the great schism?

When the schism came to a close, near the time of the Council of Constantine, three popes where vying for the official position: Gregory XII- Roman Catholic Church Benedict XIII- French Catholic Church John XXIII- German Catholic Church

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What was England's main church in 1600s?

Protestant and Roman Catholic.

Who led th cavinists in the 1600s?

The Calvinists were led by the Roman Catholic Church.

What was one role of the Roman Catholic Church?

First of all, It's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. . Secondly, the Catholic Church has only one role: It is the Mystical Body of Christ, It lives with His Life, and does His Will- that is It's only role.

What was the role of the Roman Catholic Church?

First of all, It's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. . Secondly, the Catholic Church has only one role: It is the Mystical Body of Christ, It lives with His Life, and does His Will- that is It's only role.

How much should the Church of Catholic hold in 1600s?

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you are asking how much of the faith the Church held in the 17th century, it should always be 100% regardless of the century.

What is the role of the Catholic Church in the moral life of believers?

The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and thus its role is the role of Christ in the life of a believer. The Catholic Church is thus both the teacher of the moral life, and the dispenser of God's grace which enables the Catholic to lead the moral life that he is being taught about.

What is a Catholic priest's role?

He administers the rites of the church.

What were the archbishops role in Roman Catholic church?

First of all, there is no "Roman" Catholic Church, it's just the Catholic Church. Secondly, archbishops have always had the same role as they do today, they are bishops of a major diocese which is usually the head diocese of a province

How far did the church have a positive role in medicine?

If you mean the Roman Catholic church, then the answer is none at all.

What were the roles of the Europe Catholic Church?

There is no "Europe Catholic Church", there is the world-wide Catholic Church in Europe and everywhere else in the world, and its role is the same everywhere, to bring Christ to people and people to Christ and salvation.

What has the author Paul V Murray written?

Paul V. Murray has written: 'The role and the mission of the Catholic Church in Mexico' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church history

What role did catholic church play in governing Spain's American empire?

The Catholic played their role by sending their missionary into South America.