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There were three main stages in the professional life of a medieval craftsman.

  1. Apprentice - this was the learning stage
  2. Journeyman - this was the stage of gaining experience, often while traveling - hence the name
  3. Master - the top rung on the ladder; the Masters ran the Guilds
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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago
  • Apprentice - this was the learning stage
  • Journeyman - this was the stage of gaining experience, often while traveling - hence the name
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Q: What were the main stages in training of a craftsman in a medieval town?
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What were the main parts of the typical Medieval city and who lived where in the city?

what kind of question are you saying to answer!?.

What was the main occupation of people during medieval times?

Mercantile was the primary occupation along with farming during the the Middle Ages.

What jobs did medieval villagers do?

This is just information that I gained from reading a Medieval Times book at school.The jobs that Medieval villagers did were things like. Planting vegetables in the garden,They ploughed at the month of Feburary, and women and children helped to drive the oxen.On march, the seed for oats had to be sown and then the villagers used a harrow which was then used to cover the seeds over with oil.Other jobs included weeding, chasing away birds, and even more ploughing.In the month of June the villagers sheared the sheep, and the hay harvest in the meadow began, the hay was then cut and stacked in the barn, the villagers allowed the cattle in to the field to eat the stubble.Men villaers collected firewood, they had to dig draining ditches and repaired buildings.This isn't much, but this is all that I discovered. (:

What is medieval man?

The place of Medieval men in society was not dictated so much by gender It was dictated by sex, or even by which nation they lived in during Medieval times. The main factor that decided where a man's (or usually for that matter, a woman's) place in society was wealth, because wealth dictated your position on the social hierarchy. It is from a position of wealth, or lack of it, that dictated a man's place in Medieval society. For the common peasant, life during Medieval times was hard, brutal, and usually short. The common man had a strong, steadfast belief in God, in the basic virtues of Christianity (as much as he could understand it since scripture was read in Latin), but yet the Devil seemed to be hiding in every alley and behind every tree to force evil, and droughts were not sad pictures on a television screen, but life threatening situations. A man would need to work the land, pay any taxes or homage necessary to the noble that ruled over the area, and fulfill any other responsibilities demanded of him.

What was the cartwright' s job in medieval times?

A cartwright made (in Old English "wrought") carts, which have only two wheels - wagons have four and are generally much larger.The cartwright might make the wheels himself, or obtain them from a wheelwright; the wheels would be made of three different types of wood because of their different properties. Medieval wheels had short sections of iron joined to form the ring or tyre which held the whole wheel together.Carts might have simple wooden sides, or a canvas cover, or a kind of railing each side, depending on its use.A carter was a man who used a cart, either walking alongside the oxen that pulled it or sitting on the front of the cart itself.