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There were seven social classes in ancient Rome. they were the patricians, plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen, the slaves and foreigners. The last "class" the foreigners, were not Roman but many of them lived in the city and did not fit in with any Roman class.

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13y ago

The Patricians and the Plebeians. These were the two original classes of Roman society. As the city and empire grew, a middle class called the equestrians arose and also many people came to Rome to live and work and they were neither Patrician, Plebeian, nor Equestrian. They were the Proletariat.

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12y ago

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

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10y ago

There were there social order (As the Romans called them) in Rome. The patricians were the higher tier of the aristocracy and were large landowners, and senators. The equites (equestrians, cavalrymen) were the second highest social rank. They were bankers, moneylenders, investors in shipping and mining and civil servants. some of them were senators. The plebeians were the commoners.

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12y ago

The two main social groups in ancient Rome were the freemen and the slaves. The freemen were divided into social classes which were the patricians, plebeians, equites, proletariat, and freedmen. The slaves were classified by the type of service they performed.

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12y ago

Which two social classes do you want? There were more than two social classes in ancient Rome. There were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves.

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12y ago

NovaNet Answer: the patricians and plebeians

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11y ago

The Patricians and the Plebeians represented in govenrnment by the Senate and Tribunes and were basically the rich and poor.

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Patricians & Plebians.

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10y ago

plebeians and patricians.

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Q: What were the two main social groups in rome?
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What were the two main groups of the Roman republic?

Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.

What is the two main classical cultures the renaissance rebirth?

greece and rome

What are Two main themes of popular depictions of social class in America?

The theme of discrimination and the them of radicalization are the two themes that are popular as far as the depiction of the social class in America is concerned.

What was the name of the group that had to protect the emproer of rome?

The emperors of Rome actually had two groups of bodyguards. The most famous was the Praetorian Guard, who were not only the emperor's protectors, but they also had other policing-type duties in the city of Rome and were at times sent into battle. Emperors also had an elite corps of personal bodyguards who were usually German.

Which 2 groups of people influenced early rome?

The Greeks and the Etruscan influenced both early Rome and early Latium (land of the Latins). Archaeological finds have shown influences from both Etruria and the Greek colony (settlement) of Cumae, near Naples. Early Rome was also influenced by the Sabines, who lived on the mountains to the east of Rome. The foundation of Rome was said to have involved a fusion between the Latins who lived on the seven hill of Rome and Sabines who settled on two of these hills. They influenced early Roman religion. The Roman god Quirinus was of Sabine origin.

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What were the two main groups of the Roman republic?

Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.

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What were the two main groups in Rome's senate called?

The two main groups in the senate were the optimates and the populares. The optimates were the "old school" patrician brand of politicians who wanted things done the way they always were. The populares were the reformers who realized that certain changes had to come about or else the republic would fall.

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