The portion of the Roman Empire that survived after all power in Rome was reduced to nothing like its former self was the Eastern half of the empire which lasted until 1453.
culture of the eastern roman empire survived the fall of by still being used by the byzantine empire (but i cannot give specific culture dtails)
Constantine didn't split the Roman Empire. It was Diocletian, and he divided the empire into western and eastern halves.
Its leaders saw themselves as roman emperors, and theirand their government was in many ways a direct continuation of the eastern portion of the late roman empire
The Eastern Roman empire was much stronger then the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire had more money and soldiers. It also lasted 1000 years longer then the western roman empire
Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.
The Roman Catholic church survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church survived the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
The eastern half of the Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire.
The Roman Empire dates to 27 BC, when Octavian was given the title Augustus by the senate. It divided permanently in 395 AD into the East Roman Empire and the West Roman Empire. The date usually given for the fall of Rome is 476, when the last emperor of the West Roman Empire was deposed. The East Roman Empire, however, survived until 1453. There is a link below.
Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.
The eastern half of the Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire.
The eastern half of the Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire.
The Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.
culture of the eastern roman empire survived the fall of by still being used by the byzantine empire (but i cannot give specific culture dtails)
the east side of the roman empire
The Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.
Diocletian divided the empire