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Many think that the witch hunts of Early Modern Europe were caused by the invention of the printing press. The first texts to be produced were Christian texts, like The Bible, which promoted ideas about Satanic witchcraft practices. Unexplainable events like the Black death could be blamed on witches, causing a mass hysteria.

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Q: Who created the witch hunt?
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How long did the witch hunt lasted?

a long time

When was the witch-hunt?

There have been many different witch hunts but the most commonly known one was from about 1480 to 1700.

What is the definition of a witch hunt?

In an historical perspective, it was the search, or hunting of witches or evidence of witchcraft that in some instances were actually legally sanctioned searches that led to the arrest and trials of many individuals many of whom were executed in horrible ways. Many of these actual witch hunts were fueled by mass hysteria and panic that led to mob lynches. This period of witch hunts spanned the late 1400's up until the 1700's where hundreds of thousands of men and women were executed for witch craft. Before Arthur Miler wrote the play The Crucible, there does not seem to be another historical event ever to using witch hunts as a political or social metaphor. Miller used his own experiences with the House on Un-American Activities Committee, (HUAC), and paralleled it to the Salem witch hunts of 1692. The Crucible was first performed in New York in 1953. Since that day the term witch hunt has come to mean: Searching out and harassing dissenters.

Where did the witch hunt start?

The witch hunts of Europe began in 1563, in Wiesensteig, Germany, with widespread prosecution and the execution of 63 people. Though people were prosecuted for witchcraft throughout ancient and medieval times, the large scale action of finding, prosecuting, and punishing groups of people did not begin until later. Please use the link below for more information.

When did witch hunts take place in Europe?

Witch hunts in European civilization fall into the dates of 1563 to 1693.Witchcraft was illegal in some countries of Europe from ancient times. Interestingly, in some medieval countries, such as the Kingdom of Lombardy and the Carolingian Empire, witchcraft was legally classed as a superstition, so executing a person as a witch was murder; nevertheless, it must have happened, because there was a standard punishment for burning an accused witch - it was a capital offense.The first papal authorization of inquisition for witchcraft appears to have been given in 1320. The witch trials were rather few and far between after that for some time. A papal bull authorizing inquisitors to create a system for the persecution of witches appeared in 1484, and this resulted in the publication of a manual called Malleus Maleficarum, in 1487. This began the great witch persecutions in Europe.The first large scale persecution of witches in Europe, in which which 63 people were burned to death, happened in Wiesensteig in, southwestern Germany, and is recorded in a pamphlet of 1563, called "True and Horrifying Deeds of 63 Witches."Prosecutions of witches ended between about 1690 and 1730 in different parts of Europe. In English areas of Europe and North America, the last actual witch hunt (as opposed to prosecution of an individual) happened with the Salem Witch trials in Massachusetts in 1693. There were trials of individuals for witchcraft in various parts of Europe for nearly another hundred years.It should be noted that the first large scale medieval witch hunt happened over 100 years after the date most historians use for the end of the Middle Ages.Please use the links below for more information.

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Witch Hunt - TV film - was created on 1999-05-02.

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The duration of Witch Hunt - TV film - is 1.5 hours.

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What is 'witch hunt'?

A witch hunt is the search for either evidence of witchcraft or people who practice it. Metaphorically, this can apply to any situation.

What are the release dates for Witch Hunt - 2012?

Witch Hunt - 2012 was released on: USA: 31 October 2012 (internet)

What is a 'witch hunt'?

A witch hunt is the search for either evidence of witchcraft or people who practice it. Metaphorically, this can apply to any situation.

What is a witch-hunt?

A witch hunt is the search for either evidence of witchcraft or people who practice it. Metaphorically, this can apply to any situation.

What is an antonym for witch-hunt?

An antonym for "witch-hunt" could be "justice," where a fair and impartial investigation or prosecution takes place rather than a targeted and malicious pursuit of individuals.

Joseph McCarthy created the media frenzy that began his witch hunt by?

Saying that he had a list of Communists employed by the State Department