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By consensus The first Emperor is taken to be Otto I (also known as Otto the Great).

He was crowned Emperor by Pope John XII on February 2nd 962.

It must be noted that the term Holy Roman Emperor and the Empire did not come into use until some time later.

Holy Roman Emperors were crowned by the Pope until the 16th century.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Otto I, 936-73

Otto II, 973-83

Otto III, 983-1002

Henry II, 1002-24

Conrad II, 1024-39

Henry III, 1039-56

Henry IV, 1056-1105

Henry V, 1105-25

Lothair II, duke of Saxony, 1125-37

Conrad III, 1138-52

Frederick I, 1152-90

Henry VI, 1190-97

Philip of Swabia, 1198-1208

antiking: Otto IV (Guelph), 1198-1208

Otto IV (king, 1208-12; emperor, 1209-15), 1208-15

Frederick II (king, 1212-20; emperor, 1220-50), 1212-50

Conrad IV, 1237-54

antiking: Henry Raspe, 1246-47

antiking: William, count of Holland, 1247-56

Richard, earl of Cornwall, and Alfonso X of Castile, rivals

Rudolf I (Hapsburg), 1273-91

Adolf of Nassau, 1292-98

Albert I (Hapsburg), 1298-1308

Henry VII (Luxemburg), 1308-13

Louis IV (Wittelsbach), 1314-46

Charles IV (Luxemburg), 1346-78

Wenceslaus (Luxemburg), 1378-1400

Rupert (Wittelsbach), 1400-1410

Sigismund (Luxemburg), 1410-37

Albert II, 1438-39

Frederick III, 1440-93

Maximilian I, 1493-1519

Charles V, 1519-58

Ferdinand I, 1558-64

Maximilian II, 1564-76

Rudolf II, 1576-1612

Matthias, 1612-19

Ferdinand II, 1619-37

Ferdinand III, 1637-57

Leopold I, 1658-1705

Joseph I, 1705-11

Charles VI, 1711-40

Charles VII (Wittelsbach-Hapsburg), 1742-45

Francis I (Lorraine), 1745-65

Joseph II, 1765-90

Leopold II, 1790-92

Francis II, 1792-1806

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13y ago

Charlemagne was first crowned as Emperor of the Romans in 800. After that all of the emperors of the Carolingian and Holy Roman Empires were crowned with similar titles.

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12y ago

Charlemagne was crowned empror of the Romans by Pope Leo III in 800

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Q: Who was crowned as emperor of the Romans in 800?
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Charlemagne was crowned as King of the Franks in 768. More importantly, he was crowned Emperor of the Romans (or Emperor of the West) on December 25, 800.

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