Amerigo Vespucci
The Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
Italian cartographer and explorer Amerigo Vespuci. He was the first to identify South America as a continent. Ask yourself, how would he be able to do that without having to sail all the way around it? He figured it out by discovering the mouth of the Amazon river. He estimated that a river of that size and volume had to be collecting rain from a watershed the size of Europe. Ergo, he was sailing off a continent, rather than just another large island.
Renaissance is a French noun meaning 'to be born again'. Originally it was used as a metaphor for rediscovering one's Christian faith. The historian Vasari using the Italian equivalent rinascimento is credited with first using it to describe the rediscovery of Greek and Latin culture by late-medieval Europeans. It was not until after Napoleon's invasion of Italy in 1799 that French critics and historians began to use this term to describe specifically North Italian culture from 1400 to 1600. They were followed by Swiss German historian Jacob Burckhardt in his History of the Renaissance Civilisation in Italy (1867).
Amerigo Vespucci
John Cabot was an Italian explorer and navigator. He is credited with discovering parts of the North American continent.
John Cabot was successful, and adventurous Italian explorer/navigator, who is known for making big discoveries.
Italian navigator A+
He was an Italian navigator. He was born 1485 in Tuscany Italy. His full man was Giovanni da Verrazzano.He was an Italian navigator. He was born 1485 in Tuscany Italy. His full man was Giovanni da Verrazzano.He was an Italian navigator. He was born 1485 in Tuscany Italy. His full man was Giovanni da Verrazzano.He was an Italian navigator. He was born 1485 in Tuscany Italy. His full man was Giovanni da Verrazzano.He was an Italian navigator. He was born 1485 in Tuscany Italy. His full man was Giovanni da Verrazzano.He was an Italian navigator. He was born 1485 in Tuscany Italy. His full man was Giovanni da Verrazzano.
john cobot
John Cabot was an Italian explorer and navigator whose 1497 discovery of parts of Northern America is commonly held to have been the first European encounter with the continent of North America.
Who was the Italian sailor who had a continent named after him
christopher Columbus
America...the entire continent was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian early explorer. Check this: "Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian merchant, explorer, and navigator from the Republic of Florence, from whose name the term "America" is derived. He became a Castillian citizen in 1505. Wikipedia"
describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire.