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Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

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13y ago
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10y ago

The Roman circus was a racing track. In the city of Rome the Circus Maximus was a track for Chariot Racing and the Circus Flaminius was a track for horseback races. In Constantinople the Greek word was used instead. It was called the Hippodrome of Constantinople.

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13y ago

Anyone who wanted went to a circus. Remember, in Roman times a circus was not the same as our present day circus. In ancient Rome a circus was a racetrack. People went there to see the chariot races.

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What did Roman hairdressers do as a Roman citizen?

Roman hairdressers were known as ornatrix, and they were usually young women who went to rich Roman houses to do other women's hair. Their pay was about a few asses per hairdo, but they could get a bonus if their employers were feeling generous that day.

Why were the Roman soldiers called mules?

The Roman army had to carry all of its gear wherever it went, so the soldier often had to carry very heavy packs, like a mule.

Why did people travel in the roman ancient times?

A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".

Why did so much of roman culture have so much greek flavor?

The Romans were so influenced by Greek culture because many who immigrated to Italy were Greek and so brought their religion and culture to Italy and developed it mixed with the previous settlers. A classic example/myth of this is the story of Romulus and Remus.

What did the senators do in Ancient Rome?

The Senate in ancient Rome was a consulting body. The senators talked and talked and talked. They would debate any proposal that someone brought up and after talking it out, took a vote to see if the proposal passed. They also acted as a jury in high profile criminal cases. In the times of the emperors, the senate went through the motions of confirming each new emperor.

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A circus was a racing track. The Circus Maximus was used for horse races and chariot races and it was the biggest track in Rome. Another track was the Circus Falminius

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What went on at an ancient roman circus?

In the circus a variety of sporting events took place as well as lavish religious processions but the most popular event that took place at the circus was chariot racing. gambling and betting also took place at the circus with the Romans betting on a faction (team) rather then individual charioteers. each faction would have 2-4 charioteers in each race so gamblers were more likely to win. the circus also contained rest rooms and food outlets where the Romans could enjoy themselves during the breaks. unlike other forms of Roman entertainment the circus wasn't segregated so men and women were allowed to sit together. This meant that flirtation and dalliance happened at the circus.

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"I went to the circus on Monday"

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Zeus the

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What event took place in Circus Maximus?

The Circus Maximus was the racetrack where Roman Chariot Races took place. The event went much like the modern day Kentucky Derby, only the race was much more brutal, and if you were launched from your chariot, you could be trampled to death.