New France was an area in North America that was colonized by France. It was Jacques Cartier that first began the exploration of New France in 1534.
sadly no, but he found Canada yay
The French. Or if you want to say France that's fine to.
He was a Frenchman from the region of Brittany in the north-west of France. He would therefore probably have described himself as a Breton.
jacque cartier explored for France
Jacques Cartier came from France
Cartier explored for France.
Jacques Cartier came from France
Jacques Cartier explored for France, and doing this he usually explored in Canada.
To discover a western passage to the wealthy markets of Asia.
jacque cartier sailed for France
St. Malo?
he was a navigator and he a explored france:)
Jacques Cartier.
Jacques Cartier explored France and the saint Lawrence river
on his first and second voyages,king francis 1 sponsoed them