You can write "Happy retirement" in Chinese as "幸福退休" (Xìngfú tuìxiū).
cheerful, merry, jolly, happy, amusing Used as a greeting- A Freiliechen Purim - it means happy purim
To write "Myself" in Chinese, you can write "我自己" (wǒ zìjǐ). To write "I" in Chinese, you can write "我" (wǒ).
The happy used in "I'm very happy": 高興 Gāo xìng
" プーリーム おめでとうございます " : 'puuriimu omedetou gozaimasu'.
You can say Khag Purim Same'akh (חג פורים שמח) but it's more common just to say Khag Sameakh, which means happy holiday.
Joyeaux Purim? You might be better off sticking with chag Purim sameach (remembering to pronouce the "ch" in the guttural Hebrew way, rather like the Scottish "loch") as anybody celebrating Purim is likely to understand what you mean.
万圣节 wan sheng jie
If you really want to try it, say "Ah FRAY-lakh'n POO-rim." You'll always get points for trying.
"Merry Christmas" is 聖誕節快樂
There are no restrictions specific to Purim because it is not considered a holy day. There is an obligation to be happy, and even to drink some wine to the point of intoxication.