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The Battle of Trenton took place on December 26, 1776.

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The battle of Trenton took place in the late hours of Christmas night on 1776.

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Q: What battle occurred the day after Christmas in 1776?
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George Washington won the battle of trenton on Christmas Day of 1776.

Where was George Washington's Christmas Day attack located at?

The battle of Trenton (New Jersey) occurred on December 26, 1776, after Washington crossed the Delaware River the evening before.

What date did George Washington cross the Delaware River?

It was on Christmas Day 1776 that his army made this famous crossing to initiate the Battle of Trenton.

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I belive it was the Battle Of Trenton.

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James Monroe was wounded at the battle of Trenton, Christmas Day, 1776.

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The Battle of Trenton and Princeton. But it's mostly known as the Battle of Trenton.

What year did Washington cross Delaware?

On Christmas Day 1776.

What was the Battle when the continental army crossed the Delaware and surprised the Hessians?

Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Day in 1776. They defeated the Hessians in an encounter known as the Battle of Trenton.

Which river did George Washington cross on Christmas day in 1776?

The Delaware.

What battle is known as the Christmas day surprise?

The Battle of Trenton

What battle did the Americans fight the day after Christmas?

The battle of Trenton

A patriot victory was won there on Christmas Day 1776?

Trenton, NJ. The victory was actually won on Dec. 26, not on Christmas.