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That God's presence is still here even in the Exile.

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Q: What does chanukah teach the Jews?
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What festival does the Jews play the dreidel game?

Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah)

What was the Jews' resonse to Purim verses chanukah?

There is no opposition in Judaism between Purim and Hanukkah.

Does Chanukah have anything to do with Jesus?

No. Chanukah commemorates the miraculous victory of the Jews against the Syrian-Greeks in the Maccabean War of 165 BCE. Jesus wasn't even born yet.

How do you write chanukah simcha in Hebrew?

I think you mean Chanukah same'ach (חנוכה שמח) which means "happy chanukah."But if you want Chanukah Simchah, which means "Happiness Chanukah", it is חנוכה שימחה

Do any people other than Jews celebrate chanukah?

No, unless you count some non-Jewish spouses of Jewish people.

This month jews celebrate chanukah also known as the festival of what?

lights (because candles are lit to remember the miracle of the oil in the holy Temple).

Why is Hanukkah the festaval of lights?

Chanukah is called "The festival of lights", because within the celebration candle light is the important. The candles lit during Chanukah remind us of the miracle of the oil during the re-dedication of the Temple, after the Jews defeated the Assyrian invaders.

What chanukah decorations are used?

No decorations are required during Chanukah.

Where is Chanukah celebrated?

Jewish people celebrate Chanukah in their homes.

What do chanukah eat for Christmas?

Chanukah is a holiday. It doesn't eat.

When was The Chanukah Song created?

The Chanukah Song was created in 1995.

When did the Jews teach their kids the Torah?

After they were born.