From the 10th of November, 2013, when the question was asked, the date six weeks after is the 22nd of December 2013.
To find the date that was 13 weeks ago from today's date, you would subtract 13 weeks from today's date. If today's date is August 12th, 2021, then 13 weeks ago would be May 13th, 2021.
Today is Monday, May 19, 2014. If you subtract 27 weeks from today's date, or 189 days, the date would be Monday, November 11, 2013.
two weeks and six days
I'm unable to provide an exact date as it depends on the current date. You can calculate the date six months from today by adding 6 months to the current date.
70 weeks from today would be December 5, 2023.
February 1
27th march
Tuesday, July 9, 2013 is 26 weeks from today Tuesday, Jan 8, 2013.
October 19 2017
To find the date 79 weeks ago, you would subtract 79 weeks from the current date. If today is June 1, 2021, the date 79 weeks ago would be February 10, 2020.