Old Enough to Know Better was created on 1995-01-03.
Old Enough to Know Better - song - was created on 1994-11-14.
Drums have been around for hundreds of year it is impossible to know who made the first drum
i don't know how long it has been around. All i know is that it's been around for a while.
"What mistake he had done that people should not know how frakenstein had been created
Science has always been around. Without science, the very first person would not have been created because there would be like nothing to create them, no oxygen, no gravity, no food, etc. So like I said, science has ALWAYS been around. There are many types of science that we don't know are classified as 'science'.
No large enough sample has been prepared to know what the phase is.
There's not enough information to know when precisely Stewie was created. Presumably it was sometime in the mid to late 1990s
While it is expected to be similar to copper, gold or silver, we don't know. Only a few atoms of this synthetic material have ever been created, which is not enough to measure the physical properties.
I don't know! But considering the maps... I don't think so I think that there is enough around the suburbs but not nearly enough in the more remote areas
You will know that butter has been creamed long enough when the color becomes off white. The texture should be thick and creamy with an increased volume.
It was invented in 1444 is what i found but it's not true