One must educate themselves on what they are buying before investing money in the Stock Market. Looking for places with good unbiased research is a good place to start. Unbiased information can be found at 5iresearch. Money magazines, current news reports and a company prospectus are also good places to start your research.
The level of focus and detail of the research
Before a launch a new product or expand into a new market, you need market research to inform you about your markets' expectations.
Market Research is a key factor to get advantage over competitors. Market research provides important information to identify and analyze the market need, market size and competition.Modes of Market Research and quantitative -- how many and qualitative -- what kind.Quantitative Market Research includes tasks such as:» Consumer Market Survey» Market Research Data Collection» Statistics» Market Significance testing» Market Research Data Analysis» Data Validation ServiceQualitative Market Research includes tasks such as:» Brand Market Research» Market Sector Research» Consumer Market Research» Pricing Research» Market Research Focus Groups
You always want to do the market research before you roll out a new campaign. The research is meant to make sure that you are indeed going down the right path with your future efforts.
Before definition of a specific requirement
To get answers in general. From your competitors, the market in general, your potential clients, etc... The source I found explains quite well the importance of carrying out market research before starting a new business.
The best way an individual should enter the investment market would be to invest in a mutual fund on a value fund in order to cheaply get into the market. There are so many ways to invest in stock market. Individual stocks, mutual funds, Index funds, ETF's domestic, foreign etc. As you are a beginner in that field so before take any action, do your research and wait until you are ready to dive in.
An overseas market research could be an overseas domestic market research then. Not sure the question is clear. Wouldn't be more like: "Why overseas consumer market research is more difficult than national consumer market research?" No?
Marketing Research is broad whilst Market Research is narrow. Marketing Research is universal set whilst Market Research is the subset of the marketing research.
it is research of an individual that has not only experience in set field but also has an in-depth understanding of the meaning of the feild, not only of him/her- self but of others and their effect on it
Primary market is the initial step of market research in this we can analyse the market behavior of the market.
Before introducing any new product or modifying a product an organization is required to know about the market - geography, demography, location, size of the population, nearness to the market etc. All these could be considered while doing a market research. Old books and research papers also prove to be useful. The dept. measures the viability of the project and classify the research accordingly.