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Unhygienic means that unclean and constituting a likely cause of disease.

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Q: What are unhygienic conditions?
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What contributed to London having the ideal conditions for the black plague?

Unhygienic living conditions.

What are disease associated with unhygienic conditions in rubbish dump?

Tubercolosis and Cholera.

What is the prefix of hygienic?

what are prefixe of hygiene

Disease caused due to unhygienic conditions?

An unhygienic condition can lead to several diseases .. but most common and dangerous one is jaundice .

Is it in order for a human adult to deworm monthly?

Not unless you live under very unhygienic conditions, with only poor foods to eat.

Why is it that some areas of the world suffer from acne?

Unhygienic conditions, poor diet , lack of vitamins and certain minerals would be the most likely suspects.

Is kissing unhygienic?


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What make germs multiply?

Unhygienic living conditions make germs multiply. They like moist places with little hygiene. Huge multiplication of germs around you can be bad for your health.

What types of people got the plague?

Oftentimes it was the poor because of their unhygienic living conditions and compromised immune systems, but the Plague did not discriminate. It took the lives of people from all walks of life.

What is unhygienic in Spanish?

No higiénico (a)Sin higiene

What caused the playged?

Throughout history there have been several plagues, and these are usually generated by a bacteria, and commonly spread by rats and unhygienic conditions prevailing. Yersinia pestis is believed to be one of the diseases of historic plagues.