First bikes didn't have a drive at all, you straddled the frame and kicked yourself forward with your legs on the ground. Then they got pedals stuck to the front wheel. Better , but didn't give much speed. Then front wheels grew lagre to give more speed and the penny-farthing was born. Then came the safety bike.
Kinda hard to answer, as bikes have evolved some over the years. Very early bikes had equally sized wheels and were powered by kicking yourself along the ground with your feet. Somewhat later bikes had pedals in the front wheel and a huge front wheel to get to any speed, as the wheel was only turning at the same rate as the pedals.
Then someone invented the bicycle chain, and bikes got back to having equally sized wheels again, as the gear ratio allowed by the chain and sprocket setup could make the drive wheel turn faster than the pedals.
Earliest bicycles didn't havea drivetrain at all, they were simply straddled and the rider then kicked himself forward with his feet on the ground. Next came the bikes with front wheel drive. Eventually the front wheel grew really large to give the rider some speed, which made them really scary to brake on as they tended to topple over on braking. Then came the "safety bike" with evenly sized wheels, and chain drive on the rear wheel. Compared to the earlier evolution, what's happened since is just minor details.
No. They were quite expensive back in the days.
yes they did have needles in the olden days
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Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".
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they wear loads of types of clothes in the olden days including sweatshirts.
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Olden days