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Cats and mongooses come in a variety of species and sizes, so it is impossible to say if either would win in a fight.

Your average-sized mongoose would not win in a fight against your average sized-cat.

However, the largest mongoose would most likely win in a fight against the largest domestic cat.

(This is assuming that it is a fight between a domestic cat and a white-tailed mongoose, which is also cat-sized.) A mongoose by far. Mongoose are very agile, and although not as agile as cats, they may be stronger than average cats, so if a mongoose were to be able to strike a cat in a good position, like the neck, the mongoose would win. Mongoose have very sharp teeth, which are not as sharp as a cat's.

The average housecat would kill a mongoose in a serious confrontation.

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A honey badger would win because they are bigger and stronger than the devils with thick fur , and thick loose . But the tassy devil would put up a good fight

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red fox

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Q: What would win in a fight - cat or mongoose?
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