Lifesize cardboard cutouts make for great promotional items. They can be purchased online at websites like Stumps Party, Cardboard Cutouts, and Party City.
Cardboard displays of famous people can usually be purchased online. Sites such as Cardboard Cutouts and Hollywood Mega Store have large collections of life size cardboard cutouts.
You can get a life sized cardboard cut out of yourself from websites such as My Cutouts UK, All Posters, CTE Online, Partyrama, Party Stand Ups, and Starstills.
Cardboard cut outs are available for order online. Several results are available on a Google search for "cardboard cut outs" with costs ranging from $30 to over $100 dollars depending on your requirements. For a custom life size cut out, check for sites that will let you upload your image. A high quality image is needed for the enlargement, high resolution. If however you are only interested in a waist size enlargement, submit a high resolution photo to Walmart at their printing center. Ask for the biggest enlargement. Your cost will be under $15 dollars on paper and under $30 dollars on foam core.
The parent company of Lifesize Communications is Logitech. Lifesize and Logitech both provide video conferencing opportunities and services. They are one of the leaders in the industry.
You can find Cardboard Fish directly from the official Cardboard Fish website. The website allows for the purchase of the Cardboard Fish software and information about the company.
Yes, but you can get cardboard caskets.
There are many places where one can purchase a cardboard shredder. Best Buy sells shredders in their stores that are able to shred anything from plastic to cardboard. Cardboard shredders can make significant profits or generate cost savings for businesses. Small and medium enterprises are just as likely to benefit, with the right machine. Within the EU, you can buy, try or hire cardboard shredders from UK Shredders.
I belive that there are lifesized keyblades, and that if there are not then there will be next year when i make one.
One can purchase cardboard mailing tubes at many local office supply stores, large retailers such as Wal-Mart, or at a local postal or shipping store.
I usually purchase special cardboard record mailers to ship them. Be sure to add at least one cardboard filler pad. I usually cut one out of spare cardboard boxes. The link below is where you can find these record mailers.
"Lifesize communication rates are between four and one thousand kilobites per second. The higher the kilobite, the more expensive amount you pay and the lower the kilobite, the lower you pay. If that makes sense."
Research has shown that the majority of places where one can find cardboard storage boxes in Dallas have a small fee charged to purchase them. If one wants to find storage boxes for free, one can try local retailers such as grocery stores and department stores to see if there are any boxes they wish to dispose of. One can purchase these at a U-Haul outlet or online at Uline.