It is estimated that it will take around 20,000 years for the area around Chernobyl to return to normal background radiation levels. However, the most dangerous radioactive isotopes decay much more quickly, significantly reducing radiation levels within the first few decades after the accident.
henri bacquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896.Artificial radioactivity was first discovered by Joliot Curie and her husband in 1934 while studying the effect of alpha particle bombardment on like elements like Aluminium
The nucleus would first show an increase in radioactivity as it contains the genetic material of the cell, and radioactivity affects DNA.
Pierre and Marie Curie were the first people to discover radioactivity.
Radioactivity was first discovered in 1896 by the French scientist Henri Becquerel.
Marie Curie
The founder, Madam Currie.
Radioactivity is discovered on uranium.
Radioactivity is the disintegration of the substance by its own. This means disintegration depends only on one reactant concentration i.e.,on itself. So this is a first order reaction.