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Transition metals are less reactive than alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals. They tend to be shiny and conduct thermal energy well.

Hope this helps!~ I first I didn't get it either. : )

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Q: What generalizations can you make about transition metals?
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What are elements in groups 3-12 known as?

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How do transitional metals differ from the D block elements?

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What name is sometimes used to refer to entire set of d-block elements?

D-block elements are also known as the transition metals.

Are lanththanide and actinide transition metals?

Now actinoids and lanthanoids are considered as transition metals.

What things are made of transition metals?

Iron, copper, zinc, gold, lead, and many other important metals are transition state elements. Almost all the metal objects that we have are therefore made from transition state metals. The major exception is aluminum, which is not a transition state element, and which is also used to make lots of things.