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Q: What are the characteristics of perfect black body?
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Is there any perfect black body in the universe?

No. The black body is an "ideal thing" or a construct, and there isn't anything that "perfect" in nature.

Is there exists any perfect black bodies in the universe?

There are no perfect black bodies on the universe. But there are a lot of them which can be approximated (with good precision) by the black body description.

What is a perfect black body?

A perfect blackbody absorbs all radiation incident on it and It emits electromagnetic radiation in the form of thermal radiation from its surface. OR A perfect blackbody is a perfect emitter and perfect absorber.

What is a perfectblack body?

If it is capable of emitting and absorbing radiations having wavelength right from 0 to infinite, then it is declared as perfect black body. Sun is a black body. Now it is in the emitting phase.

Why does some object appear black?

It's one of the colour. Black colour absorb all colour. A perfect black body radiates heat.

Is the filament a good approximation of a black body?

The properties of a filament do not perfectly match those of a black body radiator, as a filament has a limited temperature range compared to a black body. A black body is an idealized concept that absorbs all incident radiation and emits it as thermal radiation at all wavelengths. While a filament emits thermal radiation when heated, it may not fully exhibit the characteristics of a black body.

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What are characteristics of leopards?

They have whiskers,claws,4 paws,deep eyes and they have black spots all over their body

What are the characteristics of a perfect square?

divisible by 2

Why a hole in the wall of cavity radiator is called a black body?

Black is the color which absorbs or radiates all frequencies equally. The perfect black body is only a theoretical object; in the real world there is always some limit to the frequency range. However, a hole in a cavity radiator comes close to being a black body.