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Q: What does shake your head means?
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When people shake their head does it mean omg?

No it means NO !!!

What does smh means in facebook chat?

SMH on Facebook typically means 'shaking my head'.

How you say shake my head in spanish?

cabecear = to shake one's head cabeceo = I shake my head

When was Shake Your Head created?

Shake Your Head was created in 1983.

Do people shake their heads to mean yes?

If the person is shaking their head left to right it means "no" or it means they are shocked; however, if they are nodding their head up and down they mean yes

Why does your head hurt when you shake it?

You head hurts when you shake it because your brain hits against you skull

What does smh mean in text lanquage?

It usually means shake my head. But lately people have starting abbreviating random expressions like smk, or slap my knee, so it could mean whatever the person wants it to mean.

What does smh mean in texting version?

Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice. Sometimes it's modified to 'smfh' or 'smmfh' by those that prefer profanity in their internet acronyms.

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Why do Indian people shake their head from side to side?

In Indian culture, the head shake can convey a variety of meanings depending on the context and speed of the movement. It can indicate agreement, understanding, acknowledgement, or even disagreement. It is a non-verbal form of communication that is widely understood and used in Indian society.

What homograph means a glass container and to rattle or shake?

The homograph that means a glass container and to rattle or shake is "jar."

What does smdh mean in slang?

shake my damn head