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No. Joseph Stalin has nothing to do with the Berlin Wall. In fact, it was created several years (eight to be specific) after his death.

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Q: Was Joseph Stalin part of the Berlin wall?
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What was Joseph Stalin view on the Berlin Wall?

Stalin had no view on the Berlin Wall as he died more than 8 years before it was built.

Why did Joseph Stalin put up the Berlin wall?

He did not. It was put up 8 years after her died.

What was the first move of the cold war?

The first move was when Joseph Stalin (leader of Russia) ordered the blockage of the land route from Berlin to west Germany. (The Berlin wall.)

Did Stalin create the Berlin wall as a form of protest?

There's some confusion here. The Berlin Wall was built over eight years after Stalin's death ...

City blockaded by Stalin during Cold War?

Berlin (hence the Wall)

What was Stalin's reaction to the iron curtain speech?

Stalin died in 1953; the Berlin Wall went up in about '60/61.

What was the purpose of the Berlin Blockade?

In 1948 and 1949, Stalin decided to impose a blockade on West Berlin as part of an overall plan to bring West Berlin, then the whole of the western portion of Germany (still occupied by French, British, and American forces), into union with Soviet-controlled East Germany. By closing land-access to West Berlin, Stalin considered that the city would soon require Soviet assistance and thereby come under Soviet control.

Soviet leader and builder of the Berlin Wall?

Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall was built.Joseph Stalin had been the leader when the borders were closed, but construction of the wall itself did not begin until August 13, 1961.

Why did Khrushchev decide to construct a wall to separate East Berlin from West Berlin?

After Wolrd War II, the Allied Forces broke Germany into occupation zones. Different countries would govern and denazify different zones while Germany remained one country. Russia had the eastern part of Germany which contained Berlin. Stalin controlled East Berlin, but West Berlin was divided between France, Britain and America. Stalin didn't want democratic influence in the middle of one of his communist puppet states. When his attempts to force the Western armies to leave failed, he surrounded West Berlin with a wall.

Was the east of the Berlin Wall the rich?

No, that's where the communists were. The rich part of Berlin was the west.

What is the strip?

it is part of the Berlin Wall that was patrolled by body guards. (prior info found here <>)

How did Stalin react to the Berlin blockade?

Stalin wanted to weaken Germany in revenge of what Germany did to it in ww2 .not only that but Stalin wanted to make his part particularly Berlin a communist country contradicting the west Germany which was democratic.Stalin blockaded the western side of Berlin in an effort to force the United States, Great Britain and France to abandon those parts of West Berlin that they occupied after World War 2. He hoped that by preventing food and supplies from reaching West Berlin, he would starve the Allies out of the city.Stalin controlled eastern Germany and the city of Berlin was like an island within that section. Stalin blockaded west Berlin by having fences built all the way around it. He then closed down all borders into West Berlin thereby isolating it from the rest of the surrounding eastern Germany. (The "Berlin Wall was not built until 1963 by Nikita Khrushchev.)Stalin's hope of starving the Allies out of West Berlin were foiled by the Berlin Airlift, when the Allies flew supplies into West Berlin. Stalin relented and reopened all borders.If you mean split Berlin, it was because the Western Allies took the other half of Germany and Berlin.Stalin blockaded the western side of Berlin in an effort to force the United States, Great Britain and France to abandon those parts of West Berlin that they occupied after World War 2. He hoped that by preventing food and supplies from reaching West Berlin, he would starve the Allies out of the city.Stalin controlled eastern Germany and the city of Berlin was like an island within that section. Stalin blockaded west Berlin by having fences built all the way around it. He then closed down all borders into West Berlin thereby isolating it from the rest of the surrounding eastern Germany. (The "Berlin Wall was not built until 1963 by Nikita Khrushchev.)Stalin's hope of starving the Allies out of West Berlin were foiled by the Berlin Airlift, when the Allies flew supplies into West Berlin. Stalin relented and reopened all borders.