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Egypt has the highest female circumcision than any other country. Africa is the second most country with high female circumcision.

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Q: What country has the highest female circumcision?
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Related questions

Which country has The highest female circumcision rate?

The country with the highest female circumcision rate is Egypt.

What country has the highest circumcised?

Egypt has the highest female circumcision than any other country. Africa is the second most country with high female circumcision.

Which country has the highest circumcision rates?

The United States has the highest circumcision rate. In America, 90 percent of males are circumcised.

Which country has the highest percentage of female members of parliament and is the only country where a higher percentage are female?


Does Indonesia practice circumcision-?

Yes, Indonesia does practice circumcision; male and female. This is referred to as Khitan.

Do Jewish women have female circumcision?

No. Female Circumcision is prohibited in Judaism and almost no Jewish women are circumcised. Female Circumcision is much more common in Africa and the Islamic World.

What is female circumcision also called?

Female genital mutilation.

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Does Malaysia practice circumcision?

Yes, Malaysia does practice male and female circumcision. It is known as Khitan.

Does female circumcision prevent cancer?

No, female circumcision does not prevent cancer.

What do we learn from Waiyaki's circumcision?

they practiced circumcision on both boy and girl to ensure that their successful passage into adulthood. According to Muslim religion female circumcision is forbidden.

Can an imam perform circumcision?

Muslims were never banned from practicing malecircumcision. Female circumcision is forbidden and it is not an Islamic practice .