FedEx is capable of delivering packages from the US to most major cities in Asia in 2 business days, assuming you pay for this class of service.
For specific details, visit the FedEx website. You can get an estimated transit time there by putting in specific details about the origin and destination cities and choosing the class of service you want.
Depends where you are shipping to and the priority of the shipment
What type of shipping did you select? Ground Shipping? Next Day? ...
1~8 depending on the type of shipping
takes 2 business days
3 days at the most through FedEx
Standard shipping generally takes two days, but to some very distant or rural locations, it might take as long as three. There is also a FedEx standard overnight, which delivers the next day, but in the late afternoon.
Usually it will take about 3-4 days but 3 at the tops.
It all depends on several factors, including the courier used (UPS, FedEx, etc.) and the shipping service selected (ground shipping, air shipping, etc.).
About 10-14 days.
To ship something with FedEx, you can use to make a shipping label. Also, you can take it to many FedEx locations and they can make a label for you. Another option is to call 1-800-GO-FEDEX.
Fedex Ground & UPS Ground will usually take 5 business days. If you use Priority Mail, it will take only 3 days.
The truck won't go directly from Indianapolis to Bangor, unless you're shipping via FedEx Custom Critical. The trailers will transfer between trucks at drop yards.