Saint Samantha is a Celtic Saint, and her name is actually Samthann of Clonbroney.
No Samantha but there is a Saint Samthann (Samantha) of Clonbroney who died in the year 739 of natural causes.
There is no saint named Samantha. However, there is Saint Samthann of Clonbroney from whom the name derives. For more information click on this link.
Saint Samthann (Samantha) of Clonbroney died in the year 739 of natural causes.
Saint Samthann of Clonbroney (Samantha) has her feast day on December 18.
Saint Samthann (Samantha) of Clonbroney died in the year 739 of natural causes.
Yes, she is 100% Italian.
The feast of Saint Samthann of Clonbroney is December 18.
Saint Samantha was a Celtic woman born in 739 A.D. She was known as St. Samthann of Clonbroney. Saint Samantha was very spiritual and spent her life advising members of the Celtic Christian Church.
There is no widely recognized saint named Samantha in Christianity. It's possible you may be referring to a different figure or tradition. Let me know if you need information on a specific saint or person.
she is Italian && Ecuadorian.
There is no Saint Samata. There is, however, a Saint Samthann of Clonebroney, sometimes known as Samantha.