Peter is the patron saint of many things and places but not the patron saint of any country.
Peter Chanel is the patron saint of Oceania only.
St. Andrew and his brother Simon Peter were fishermen themselves.
St. Peter Damian is not a patron saint.
Yes, Saint Peter is one of the patron saints of fishermen. He was a fisherman himself.
Saint Peter Claver is the patron of the parish that carries his name. Surprise!
St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church.
Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Peter are the patron saints of the popes.
St. Peter Canisius is the patron saint of the Catholic press, of Germany and of writers of catechisms.
Saint Rebecca (Saint Rafqa) is not the patron saint of any country as per the Patron Saint Index.
St. Peter the Apostle.
The patron saint of anger management is St. Peter.