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There are plenty of other insects that pollinate plants apart from bees so the plants would survive.

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Q: What would happen to plants if bees were extinct?
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What would happen to the world if bees became extinct?

all of the plants would die and the grass and the trees

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if the king cobra becomes extinct i don't know what will happen, probably nothing. We need to worry about bees more

What did Einstein think about bees?

Albert Einstein believed that if the bee were to become extinct, the human race would then die out as well. This is because without bees, there is no more pollination. All plants would then die out.

What do you think would happen if bees and butterflies disappeared from every environment?

Flowers and plants would not be pollenated and they would die.

What will happen to the diversity of plants if there were no bees?

Plants will be lesser and lesser as the bees did not take the pollen grains to another plant.

If bees became extinct what would happen?

If you have never seen Bee Movie after the bees stopped working or in your case if they became extinct nothing could be pollinated so the flowers and other plant life would not be able to grown, and if the trees can't grow there will be no oxygen for us to breathe

What will happen if honeybees die out?

If bees die out, humans will also. As bees pollinate all the plants we eat.

What would happen if bumble bees become extinct?

well i really like candy i love it gimme some do u like candy gimme some

What would happen is killer bees were not here?

Well bees are the main pollinator for many flowers and crops, so firstly many types of wild flower would go extinct, and also we would lose many crops. THis would cause worldwide famine. Also, there would be an impact on the animals which eat bees, such as wasps, birds and some small mammals. And obviously, we wouldn't get any honey.

When will the Bees die out thus leading to human extinction?

Although it is not proven that humans will become extinct if bees dye out, bees would die out if there were no flowers or air.

What will happen to the diversity of plants if there are no bees?

The absence of bees will create a problem for many plants as they are very heplful for the pollination of plants. Bees change tha plants for collecting nectar.When they collects nectar for the flower of the plants, then the seeds of the flower gets stick to their legs and when the bees goes to another flower from one flower then they carries the seeds and falls them in the other flowers.

What happens if bees die out?

Bees help pollinate around 70% of all the crops on the planet. If all the bees die and nothing rises to replace them (another type of insect, for example, or serious human intervention), many plants will simply die-off due to lack of pollination. If 70% of the plants on the planet die.Without bees, there would be no honey, but distinctively, certain plants would not be able to reproduce and would thus become extinct. In turn, this would lead to the disappearance of certain animal species.''If the bee became extinct, man would only survive a few years beyond it'', Einstein predicted...Answer:The death of all bees as a spectre raised by commercial bee keepers in reference to diseases like colony collapse disorder, a problem related to commercial raising of bees. In many peoples' minds (Einstein among them apparently, he was after al a mathematician not a biologist) bees are the only pollinator of plants in the world, specifically honeybees. There are many other insects which do this same role in nature - these include other types of bees, flys and insects.. It should be kept in mind that honeybees are not native to North America but were imported by early settlers (the same as earthworms). Prior to the introduction of honeybees North America had a diverse plant ecology. There is no reason to suspect that other pollinators would replace the bees if bees disappeared.