They hibernate when the weather gets too cold for them to fly.
Very few types of butterflies hibernate. Most of them just die off in the winter, leaving their eggs to hatch and start a new generation the next year. The monarch is the one species that migrates southward for the winter. Only the tortoiseshells, mourning cloak, and a few anglewings actually "hibernate" as adult butterflies and come back out in the spring.
no jamaca does not have monarch butterflies however they do pass by while migrating.
the monarch butterfly
Very few types of butterflies hibernate. Most of them just die off in the winter, leaving their eggs to hatch and start a new generation the next year. The monarch is the one species that migrates southward for the winter. Only the tortoiseshells, mourning cloak, and a few anglewings actually "hibernate" as adult butterflies and come back out in the spring.
Some monarch butterflies do indeed migrate through the state of Colorado. Monarch butterflies migrate to warmer regions during the winter.
Monarch butterflies are large, black and orange in color with white spots. Monarch butterflies closest relatives are the milkweed butterflies.
Monarch butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.
The spelling is "monarch butterfly" (plural "monarch butterflies").