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Q: What did protoplanets become?
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What are planetesimals and protoplanets and how are related to one another?

Planetesimals are small solid objects that form in the protoplanetary disk around a young star, while protoplanets are larger bodies that develop from the accumulation and collision of planetesimals. Planetesimals are the building blocks that come together to form protoplanets, and eventually, planets. So, planetesimals are like the "seeds" that grow into protoplanets.

What was the result of collisions between the early Earth and other smaller protoplanets?

What was the result of collisions between the early Earth and other, smaller protoplanets?

. What was the result of collisions between the early Earth and other smaller protoplanets?

What was the result of collisions between the early Earth and other, smaller protoplanets?

What are protoplanets?

Protoplanets are very small planets, about the size of a moon. Astronomers believe these celestial objects are formed during the creation of a solar system.

What is a early planet called?

Protoplanets or planet embryos.

What is the difference between protoplanets and planetesimals?

Protoplanets are larger bodies in the process of forming into planets, usually by accreting material from a protoplanetary disk. Planetesimals are small celestial bodies that are precursors to planets, often ranging in size from meters to hundreds of kilometers and are believed to be building blocks for planets. Essentially, protoplanets are further along in the planet formation process compared to planetesimals.

Which of the following planets originated from one of the four protoplanets closest to the sun?

It was Mercury.

Why is there an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter?

The asteroid belt formed from the primordial solar nebula as a group of planetesimals. Planetesimals are the smaller precursors of protoplanets. Between Mars and Jupiter, however, gravitational perturbations from Jupiter imbued the protoplanets with too much orbital energy for them to accrete into a planet.

How is the Moon thought to have fromed?

From debris following a collision of two planet sized protoplanets - one of which was early Earth.

How are protoplanets formed?

Protoplanets are formed as dust and gas in a protoplanetary disk come together due to gravity, forming clumps. These clumps collide and merge to create larger bodies, eventually evolving into protoplanets. As protoplanets continue to grow by accreting more material, their gravitational influence increases, shaping the process of planet formation within a solar system.

Why did the early protoplanets collide?

It was probably because there were too many of them in a relatively small space and there was some randomness in their positions and velocities.