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The U.S. Constitution promises to protect the states from Invasion and Domestic Violence. This is established in Article IV, Section 4, Clause 2.

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Q: From what two things does the Constitution promise to protect each state?
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All national and state government officials must promise to support who?

omg! its........the federal and state! Yeah, and the Constitution.

What is the main goal of the constitution as state in the preamble?

To protect the people's rights.

What does the low protect?

every state constitution cannot permit laws that federal constitution does not allow.for example a state constitution cannot permit a low against freedom of speech because this conflict with constitution by the government

What does Article IV promise the federal government will protect each state against?

invasion and internal violence

What Article IV promise that the federal government will protect each state against?

invasion and internal violence

Does each state in the United States of America have its own constitution or is there one constitution that governs all the states of the US?

Yes and Yes. The US Constitution applies to all the states. Each state has its own constitution that applies to that state. The state cannot contradict anything in the US Constitution, but they can add things that they feel are missing, or have more stringent requirements for certain things. And the state's constitution sets up and defines the government that will rule the state.

How did state Constitution protect rights?

Protected from the Federal government incase it was corrupt/etc

Agreeing with the constitution?

Agreeing with the constitution is known as constitutional.

What doctrine stated that each state had a right to declare their independence?

Actually, the Constitution. The South and all of America have some things in common. When the U.S. had their revolution because King George was unjust, they said it was justified. So, the constitution stated that each state could secede if they felt the need to, without war. Obviously, we didn't keep our promise.

How does the united state Constitution protect the right and liberty of citienze?

It may. But it does not ensure that they pay attention at school.

What was true about the constitution of the confederation states of America?

It stressed the independence of each state and guaranteed to protect slavery.

What does article iv promise that the federal government will protect each state against?

All enemies, foreign and domestic.