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Q: Is lying on an Medicaid application in Texas a felony?
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Is Lying about felonies in an application a felony?

Yes, lying about felonies on an application can be considered a form of fraud or deception, which is illegal. It can result in criminal charges and potential legal consequences, depending on the circumstances and laws in the specific jurisdiction. It is advisable to be truthful and transparent on all applications to avoid any legal issues.

Do felony's have to put on an application?

I think your question is "If you've been convicted of a felony, do you have to put it on your application." The answer is, probably so. It's not uncommon for employers to do background checks. If a check reveals a felony that's NOT on your application, you WILL be fired for lying. Even if the employer learns after ten years of exceptional performance that you once committed a felony, you will be fired for lying on your application. One option: write "Will discuss in interview" on that line. Be prepared to give a brief explaination of what happened. If you learned your lesson, you may find an employer who's sympathetic. It's better than living in fear every day that you're deception is about to be discovered.

Does a felony have to be put on a job application if it is not job related?

yes Absolutely YES. If you lie, and your employer finds out you can be fired for falsifying your application. By lying, you are proving that you haven't changed your ways, or learned from your mistakes. Remember that your felony status is recorded at the Federal level (via NCIC and the FBI) Simple background investigations almost always query these or similar data banks. You may not get the job because you listed a felony, but you will almost always get fired for lying on an application. According to EEOC Compliance laws set by the U.S. Government, places of employment can ask if the applicant has been convicted of a felony and other information if the felony is job related. However, they cannot ask if the applicant has ever been arrested. (An arrest does not prove guilt.) Also they cannot ask for information regarding a conviction that is NOT job related.

Is lying about having a high school diploma on a job application a crime?

when you lie on a application you are taking a big risk. If they check on it and they most likely will. You will be tagged a liar, and employers often talk to each other. I would rather be honest then run the risk of not having a job in the future.

What circumstances are there that life insurance does not pay out?

Suicide within the 1st 2 years, insured died while committing a felony, lying on the application and dying within the contestibility period, failure to file a claim.

Theres a Felony on your record and youre going to school for nursing will this show up on your job search in Michigan?

Most, if not all, job applications ask if you have ever been convicted of a crime or felony. You should answer truthfully with a side note "to be discussed at interview". If you are called in for an interview, explain the felony conviction as honestly as you can in a truthful manner, and hope the interviewer will empathasize with you. In all cases, do not fail to answer truthfuly on the job application. Some places will hire someone on the spot after the interview because they have a vacancy that needs to be filled and later go back to check your application only to find out that you lied about the felony. Lying on an application is grounds for dismissal almost everywhere.

Is lying on an application a felony?

No! Firstly, both a felony and a lie are bad (in worldly sense) when you get caught. In my opinion, lying could be more hazardous than a felony. With a felony you pay your dues and the world is square with you. With lying on the job application, if you get caught, its a potential career suicide as the world never gets square with you, at least not in that industry or geographic location. Having said that, some lies can't be caught, simply by virtue of choice of words you used. Some lies are actually pure facts but give a misleading impression to a casual reader. If you are applying for a job with the government. Whoa!When someone is convicted with a felony and that person does the time, they are not "square" with the world or society. That black mark hangs with you for life. Just try getting a job after after being convicted of a felony. It is not easy out there for the "rehabilitated". In my opinion, this lends to the high rate of relapse among criminals. The felon gets convicted, does their sentence, gets out and attempts to reintegrate and they are unable to find good work to support themselves or their families, so they turn back to their life of crime in order to make enough to live.

Can you get in trouble for lyin about your highschool diploma on your job application?

Yes you can get fired for lying on your application. Basically any employer does not want to hire an employee who lies.

Can you get in trouble for lying on a application about your reason for leave if you got let go?

They can call your last employer and ask.

Can a spouse be denied citizenship for lying she was never married before in her citizenship application?

There is a great possibility since you sign that ALL the information on the application provided by the applicant are TRUE.

When you're 30 is it better to lie about graduating high school on a job application vs telling truth?

Lying on a job application is grounds for immediate dismissal in most companies.

Is it unethical if you apply for a job when you are married but qualified applicants are single?

Lying on an application or in an interview would be unethical, because by definition, LYING is unethical. Remember that Lying when applying for a job would be grounds for dismissal when the lie is matter how long after being hired!