The system of checks and balances.
The US government has a system of checks and balances.
The checks and balances system in the US government is a way that the government can make sure that all legal factors are in place. It is crucial that one branch of the government does not have more power than another.
The three part system of the US government was created to provide checks and balances. The legislature branch makes the laws, the judicial branch decides if they are legal, and the executive branch enforces them.
Balances. The three branch system is also called the "checks and balances" system.
The US government's system of checks and balances
The system of checks and balances affects the branches of government by ensuring that each of the 3 branches of government are equal in power. The system of checks and balances, both checks, and limits the power of the 3 branches of government to ensure that each branch of government doesn't become to powerful.
to spread power equally between the three branches..
Checks and balances
"The metric system did not really catch on in the US." "The government has a system of checks and balances." "Our air conditioning system is not working properly."
through the system of checks and balances
A system of checks and balance prevents any one branch of government from having a lot of power. All three branches of the government are kept in balance with a checks and balance system in place.