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An amendment. For example, the First Amendment to the Constitution covers Freedom of Speech.

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When a change is made to the Constitution it is referred to as an Amendment. The constitution has had a total of 27 amendments.

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What do you call a change to the constution?

A change that is made to the Constitution is called an amendment. An amendment is usually a positive change made to improve something.

What allows for change to be made in the constitution?

An amendment to the constitution

What is term of the change that have been made to the constitution?

When people seek to change the constitution, they refer to it as amending the constitution

Proposals for an amendment to the constitution can be made Congress or by?

a National Convetion

What do call a change to the constitution?

With regards to the US Constitution, changes made are called amendments. As one important example, in 1865, the 13th amendment was made to the US Constitution to abolish slavery. The Framers of the US Constitution believed of course that Constitution would require changes as time passed, however, they were cautious about changes and the amendment process is difficult.

What are the Articles of Confedaration?

it established the first national government of the united states. Its also like the Constitution, but it was the first "Constitution" made. It is in the Constitution. It was made during the civil war to be the first rules.

How did framers try to make sure only good amendments were made to the constitution?

They made it very difficult to change the Constitution

How did the framers try make sure only good amendments were made to the constitution?

They made it very difficult to change the Constitution

How did the framers try to make sure only good amendments were made to the Constitution?

They made it very difficult to change the Constitution

How does the article V of the constitution influence the change that can be made to the constitution?

It details how amendments are proposed and ratified.

Why have there been amendments to the constitution?

It's because our country's necesities change overtime, and as they change, changes and additions and modifications must be made to the Constitution.

What is it called when an addition to a constitution or other document is made?

An 'Amendment' is any change to the constitution or federal document.