An aggregated sentence is one that is a cluster of words. It does not make sense and it is not formed properly.
In addition the raw data is aggregated into the current monthly log file in an anonymised fashion.
Aggregated knowledge would be knowledge collected from many sources.
Aggregated diamond nanorods are composed of pure carbon atoms, so the percentage of carbon in aggregated diamond nanorods is 100%.
Aggregated means summarized in some fashion. The summary could be a simple average, a weighted average, or the aggregation could be across several different categories. In the case of marks (academic grades) perhaps they are aggregated by class, or age, across several different schools.
You have Aggregated the whole discussion. You have taken it to a different place.
Aggravated vehicular homicide is causing purposeful death with a automobile. It often carries stiff prison terms and probationary terms and penalties.
Usually, when observations and measurements are aggregated, these are called DATA.
Quarternary structure.
Usually, when observations and measurements are aggregated, these are called DATA.
Gathered, aggregated, amassed.