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The United States Senate must approve all presidential appointments and treaties. The duties of the United States Senate is listed in the United States Constitution.

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Q: Which house of congress must approve all presidential appointments and treaties?
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Related questions

What limits the presidents power to make treaties with other countries?

The Senate must approve treaties and presidential appointments.

Who has to the power to approve presidential appointments and ratify treaties?

The Legislative Branch can ratify treaties; The Senate approves Presidential Appointments

What are two things the Senate has to approve?

(1) Presidential Appointments (2) Treaties

Can congress approve presidential appointments?

Yes and mOst often they have to

Which house of Congress must approve presidential appointments?

The Senate

Who must approve all presidential appointments and treaties?

Most presidential appointments, including federal judges, cabinet members and ambassadors, require a simple majority vote of the Senate. Mid-term appointments of vice presidents require a simple majority vote of both Houses of Congress, and treaties require a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate.

What does the senate do besides pass bills?

the approve treaties, and presidential appointments. carry out impeachment trials.

What is the US Senate's power to review and approve treaties and presidential appointments is known as?

advice and consent

What branch of congress must approve presidential appointments to certain jobs?

legislative branch

What are some special powers of the Senate?

The Senate has the power to approve treaties. It is able to approve presidential appointments such ambassadors. The Senate also has the power of filibuster and cloture.

What powers did the national congress have?

Make laws. Declare war. Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure. Impeach and try federal officers. Approve presidential appointments. Approve treaties negotiated by the executive branch. Oversight and investigations.

Which branch of the government has the power to approve or disapprove Presidential appointments?

The legislative branch has the power to disapprove and approve presidential appointments?