5-0 became a slang term for police after the hit show "Hawaii Five-O." The show was centered around a fictional division inside the State-Police of Hawaii and carried the same name as the television show ("Hawaii Five-0").
The division's name gets its origin from honoring the fact that Hawaii was the 50th state to become apart of the United States of America.
It is from "Hawaii Five-O" which was a popular television series during the 1970s.
50 police
They are simply called "Plain clothed police."
But in the Uk they called them like bobs or something similar to that but it the Us you can called them PD,Police,Cops, or Five o we dont really know what the word Police camed from
they called it police
There are over 12,500 different police department in the US. They range from one officer to over 30,000 officers.
He or she is usually called the Police Commissioner or the Commissioner of Police.
It means crazy
Usually, a Police Station.
Jewish police
A police officer
Canadian are famous for the mounted police they are called mounties.