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A witness is a person who is present in order to ensure that a document is signed by the correct person. One or multiple witnesses may be needed depending on the situation.

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Q: A person that verifies the identity of someone signing a document is known as a?
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What do you call a person who verifies information?

A notary public is a person that verifies the identity of someone signing a document.

What is a notary class?

A notary class is a course oriented to train someone to become a notary. A notary is someone who verifies the identity of someone signing an important document.

What is attestor?

An attestor is simply a witness, someone who 'attests' to the truth of some matter. For instance, a notary public attests to the identity of a person signing a legal document by signing and affixing their seal to the document. Therefore, the notary is an attestor to the identity of whomever signed the document. This negates the need of all parties affected by the document to be present during the signing. The notary is not attesting to the truth or accuracy of the document itself, but only that the person signing the document provided sufficient evidence of their identity to them.

Can a notary notarize a document someone signed and mailed?

No. The whole point of a notary is to verify the identity of the person signing a document right there in the presence of the notary. Anyone could have sent the mailed document, therefore it cannot be notarized.

Signing someone else up for Facebook?

It is illegal to lie about your identity on the internet Read all terms and condit

How can you be sure that someone is 18 on webcam videos?

Before doing this, you need to confirm your identity with an ID or other document that can do this

What does slash s before a name on a signature line mean?

The slash s before a name on a signature line typically stands for "for" or "on behalf of." This indicates that the person signing the document is signing in a representative capacity for someone else or a group.

Can notary sign for first cousin?

The function of a Notary is to provide confirmation that a signature is in fact the signature of the person claiming to have signed a document. A Notary cannot sign for anyone in the sense of signing a document instead of someone else.

What does pp mean when signing for someone else?'s an abbreviation for the Latin "per procurationem". it is used by any proxy when signing a document on behalf of somebody else. though..many say it comes from "proxima persona" :) (false, i guess :)) )

When someone has a prenuptial agreement notarized is a legal copy filed somewhere by the notary public?

No, all a notary public does is sign to verify that they watched you sign the document and verified that it was actually you signing it.

When a someone signs and verifies a legal document of accusations what serves as the verification to qualify to legally qualify the statement?

A verified complaint is a statement made that is sworn to be true under penalty of perjury. Same as court testimony. It's not what you think or what you believe, it's what you know, for a fact and can prove it.

Term given to the act of stealing someone's identity?

Identity thieft